不滿意的假藥直接影響健康,並對個別患者和整體健康造成巨大威脅。商業部門中存在著無數不足的藥品,這些藥品直接間接影響人類的福祉。這樣,建立一些新穎的調查程序來區分這些不可接受的藥物就很重要。灰黃黴素是一種抗真菌藥物,可對抗生物體引起的疾病。灰黃黴素用於治療疾病,例如癬、運動員腳、運動員刺痛以及頭皮、手指甲或腳趾甲的寄生蟲感染。灰黃黴素同樣可用於本藥物管制中未記錄的用途。灰黃黴素是主要的口服抗真菌藥物,也是治療頭癬的首選藥物。此藥與微管蛋白結合,幹擾微管的工作,進而抑制有絲分裂。它與角蛋白前體細胞中的角蛋白結合,使它們不受寄生蟲污染。當頭髮或皮膚被角蛋白-灰黃黴素複合物取代時,藥物就會到達其活性部位。然後,灰黃黴素透過活性輔助載體程序進入皮癬菌並與寄生微管結合。這改變了有絲分裂的準備以及寄生細胞分裂器陳述的基本數據。 GSF 被認為是一種人為毒素,被認為是藥物對抗和環境危險因子的潛在來源。為了解決這個擔憂,創建了另一個提取和推進策略。 GSF 表面分子雕刻聚合物 (GSF-SMIP) 被排列並用作強級萃取 (SPE) 吸附劑。
Strong stage extraction (SPE) is an extractive method by which exacerbates that are broken up or suspended in a fluid blend are isolated from different mixes in the blend as indicated by their physical and synthetic properties. Investigative research centers utilize strong stage extraction to think and decontaminate tests for examination. Strong stage extraction can be utilized to confine analytes of enthusiasm from a wide assortment of lattices, including pee, blood, water, drinks, soil, and creature tissue. SPE utilizes the liking of c broke down or suspended in a fluid (known as the versatile stage) for a strong through which the example is passed (known as the fixed stage) to isolate a blend into wanted and undesired parts. The outcome is that either the ideal analytes of intrigue or undesired pollutions in the example are held on the fixed stage. The bit that goes through the fixed stage is gathered or disposed of, contingent upon whether it contains the ideal analytes or undesired polluting influences. In the event that the segment held on the fixed stage incorporates the ideal analytes, they would then be able to be expelled from the fixed stage for assortment in an extra advance, where the fixed stage is washed with a proper eluent. A significant number of the adsorbents/materials are equivalent to in chromatographic strategies, however SPE is unmistakable, with points separate from chromatography, thus has an exceptional specialty in present day compound science.
In this examination the griseofulvin surface molecularly engraved polymers (SMIPs) were joined on the amino altered silica particles and were applied as a Solid stage extraction sorbent. The variables influencing the extraction procedure, for example, test pH, ionic quality, and elution solvents were upgraded. The utilization of SMIPs as a sorbent was displayed by pressing it in strong stage extraction cartridge and coupled it with HPLC to separate and investigate griseofulvin from tablet definition through a disconnected explanatory method. The strategy is direct over the scope of 0.1-500 µg/mL.
HPLC 是邏輯科學中的一種方法,用於分離、識別和測量混合物中的每個部分。它依靠虹吸管使含有示例共混物的可溶解加壓流體通過裝有強吸附劑材料的部分。範例中的每個部分與吸附劑材料的配合都有些不同,從而導致各個段具有不同的流率,並在它們流出段時促使段分開。待分離和檢查的範例混合物以離散的小體積(通常為微升)呈現在滲透通過該部分的便攜式階段的洪水中。此範例的片段以不同的速度穿過該片段,這是與吸附劑(也稱為固定階段)明確物理協作的元素。每個片段的速度取決於其混合性質、固定舞台(片段)的想法和多功能舞台的片段。特定分析物洗脫(從段上升)的時間稱為其維持時間。在特定條件下估計的維持時間是給定分析物的辨識正常值。各種類型的部分都是可訪問的,裝載有分子大小變化的吸附劑,以及它們的概念(“表面科學”)。使用較小分子尺寸的壓製材料需要使用較高的操作重量(“背壓”),並且通常可以改善色譜目標(從段中上升的連續分析物之間的頂峰分配水平)。吸附劑顆粒本質上可能是疏水性的。
技術位置斷裂點和評估分別為0.02和0.05μg/ml。經過表面分子雕刻強級提取後,實現了 98.69-101.47% 的良好恢復。日內和日間相對標準差 (n=3) 分別為 4.3% 和 7.1%。
所提出的技術用於確保三個商業製藥細節中的灰黃黴素。此外,也對 SMIP 的再利用能力進行了評估。結果表明,製備的聚合物顆粒具有較高的強度,可重複使用,且性能損失較低。該技術基本、明確、具體、實用,可用於該藥物的正常品質控制檢驗。
我(Kamran bashir)是博士生,師從付強教授。我的主要專業知識是複雜基質樣品的藥物分析以及在磁性和二氧化矽奈米顆粒等不同支撐材料上製備分子印跡聚合物。此製備和應用方案將有助於抗真菌藥物的品質控制和生產分析研究