機械加工所得的角斑對蝦蝦頭,以商業胰蛋白酶(0.1%)水解。水解反應經由化合物的熱滅活(95℃)並隨後離心而終止。透過生化研究蛋白質含量、絕對遊離胺基酸 (FAA)、不可預測的必需氮 (TVB-N) 和電泳 SDS-PAGE 譜來描繪所產生的蛋白質水解產物。評估了實用性能,例如乳化極限、脂肪吸附和起泡性能。與粗蝦頭蛋白相比,酵素水解的結果顯示蛋白質物質和 FAA (17.22%) 顯著增加 (p < 0.05)。本次檢測中使用的低濃度胰蛋白酶足以溶解底物,產生相當大的蛋白質物質和TVB-N水平(<6mg/100g),基本上低於海洋產品的盡可能建立的水平。
蝦子糟是蝦紅素的重要來源,蝦紅素以與蛋白質的複合物形式存在,而蛋白質與類胡蘿蔔素具有預防癌症作用一樣。完成了利用細菌蛋白酶升級蝦糟水解以獲得富含癌症預防作用的蛋白質範圍的研究。使用部分因子計劃評估了三個程序因素的影響,即特定催化劑對浪費的固定、孵化溫度和時間對類胡蘿蔔素恢復、蛋白質含量、三氯酸性腐蝕劑(TCA)可溶性肽物質和二苯基苦基酰氯(DPPH)搜尋運動的影響。例如,處理貝類、蝦子會產生大量的強烈浪費,約佔整個蝦重量的 35-45%。這些皇冠上的寶石很快就會被浪費,從而導致自然問題。此外,由於蝦浪費是蛋白質、甲殼素、類胡蘿蔔素和催化劑的豐富來源,最近已證明將這些重要部分回收為有吸引力的產品具有令人印象深刻的溢價。
Astaxanthin is the significant carotenoid present in scavanger squander, and happens as carotenoprotein buildings, where carotenoids are bound to proteins. Complexing of carotenoids to protein brings about presentation of different hues in shellfish and gives soundness to carotenoids, which are in any case entirely insecure. Endeavors have been made to recuperate carotenoids from shrimp squander either as carotenoids or as carotenprotein complex. Studies have been done on recuperation of carotenoids and carotenoproteins from shellfish squander. Carotenoids from shrimp squander have been recuperated utilizing dissolvable extraction and oil extraction and its security under various stockpiling conditions has been accounted for. Enzymatic hydrolysis of shrimp squander was found to improve the oil extractability of carotenoids. Carotenoproteins from shrimp waste can be confined by enzymatic and maturation methods. Chelating operators like EDTA and the proteolytic compound trypsin has been utilized to recuperate carotenoprotein from shrimp squander. Trypsin hydrolysis of snow crab squander followed by ammonium sulfate precipitation yielded carotenoprotein with expanded carotenoid content. Sea life organic cancer prevention agent peptides have become a hotpots in multidisciplinary research, for example, current biomedicine. Hydrolysis of shrimp squander with proteases was found to upgrade the carotenoid recuperation. Carotenoids happen as a complex with protein in scavangers and proteases upset the protein-carotenoid bond, along these lines expanding the carotenoid recuperation. Protease treatment for long time upgraded carotenoid recuperation when the objective is to recoup carotenoid either by oil or dissolvable extraction. Be that as it may, if the objective is to separate carotenoprotein, extraordinary hydrolysis may totally disturb this security bringing about lower carotenoid content in the protein detach. Accordingly controlled hydrolysis of shrimp squander with proteases with lower catalyst level at lower temperature will help in acquiring the protein disconnect wealthy in carotenoid content. Shrimp squander is a significant wellspring of astaxanthin, which happen as a complex with proteins, and protein confines just as carotenoids are known to have cell reinforcement movement. Examinations were done to streamline hydrolysis of shrimp squander utilizing a bacterial protease to get cell reinforcement movement rich protein segregate. The impact of three procedure factors in particular chemical fixation to squander, brooding temperature and time on carotenoid recuperation, protein content, trichloro acidic corrosive (TCA) solvent peptide substance and DiPhenyl Picryl Hydrazylchloride (DPPH) rummaging movement was assessed utilizing a partially factorial structure. A high connection coefficient (>0.90) between the watched and the anticipated qualities showed the fittingness of the plan utilized. Most extreme carotenoid recuperation was gotten by hydrolysing the shrimp squander with 0.3 % chemical for 4 h. DPPH radical rummaging action of carotenoprotein confine was especially influenced by protein focus, temperature and time of hydrolysis. The examination showed that so as to acquire the carotenoprotein from shrimp squander with higher carotenoid content hydrolysing with a catalyst grouping of 0.2–0.4 %, at lower temperature of 25–30° upto 4 h is perfect. Be that as it may, so as to get the protein disengage with expanded cancer prevention agent movement hydrolysing at higher temperature of 50 °C, with higher catalyst convergence of 0.5 % for shorter length is increasingly perfect.
從附近市場收集包括頭和甲殼在內的印度對蝦蝦廢料,並在冷藏條件下轉移到研究中心。使用前將材質在桌面垂直成型機(Robo-Coupe)中均質化。使用來自 M/s Genencor 的 Alcalase(一種細菌蛋白酶)進行水解。本研究以蝦膠凍乾粉為原料,將從蝦膠原料分離出來的蛋白酶產生菌株所釋放的蛋白酶進行水解。
將 10g 蝦粉的聚集體在 50mL 精製水中分解,並使用 1M HCl 將裝置的 pH 值調節至 6.0。此時,ST-1蛋白酶以催化劑與底物的比例包含在內。將混合物在 50°C 下振盪孵育。孵化 6 小時後,將混合物在 100°C 下加熱 15 分鐘以滅活 ST-1 蛋白酶。液體沉澱:將裝置冷卻至40℃並旋轉蒸發以排出水。然後加入無水乙醇並在12小時內完成安排。該裝置以 8000 rpm 離心 15 分鐘,真空乾燥上清液以獲得蝦膠肽 (SP),然後透過凝膠切片 G-25 進行分離和淨化。