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Estimation of sugar and bio ethanol from different decaying fruits extract

Venkatachalapathy Girish, Krishnappa Ravi Kumar and Sirangala Thimmappa Girisha

Bio ethanol mainly produced from biological methods involving fermentation of cellulosic biomass in a broad spectrum. Since it is being widely recognized as an environmental friendly transportation fuel with powerful economic and strategic applications, here an attempt is made to explore the possibilities of bioethanol production from decaying fruits. Since they pose a major socio economic challenge and in turn by utilizing these kinds of wastes for fuel purpose reduce the burden on the authorities. Hence, bioethanol production from three different decaying citrus fruits like Citrus sinensis, Citrus limetta and Ananas comosus were studied. The sugar content before and after fermentation was analyzed by DNS method, the result showed that the sugar content was more before fermentation (Citrus limetta 21mg/mL, Ananas comosus 20mg/mL and Citrus sinensis 17 mg/mL,) when compared to after fermentation (Citrus limetta 16mg/mL, Citrus sinensis 12.5mg /mL and Ananas comosus11mg/mL). The production of ethanol was higher in Ananas comosus (13%) than the other two Citrus limetta (12%), Citrus sinensis (10%) which was calculated by distillation method