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非熱電磁場觸發高 Tm 磁脂質體釋放藥物


如今,技術領域的研究和開發已經在許多領域提供了新穎性。奈米科學和奈米粒子的產量也不例外。奈米顆粒只是奈米尺寸範圍內的顆粒(10−9 m),有時尺寸<100 nm。由於其極小的尺寸和擴展特性,它們表現出獨特的電子、光學和磁性特性,可用於藥物傳輸。它們在藥物傳輸領域也被稱為奈米載體,是控製藥物釋放的新工具,因為它們滿足三冠醫療的兩個最重要的標準,即空間放置和時間傳輸。在磁性奈米粒子和脂質體之間的相互作用的前提下建立了獨特的技術,用於重要的金屬檢測,這些奈米材料與細胞或替代生物分子之間的相互作用具有巨大的醫學應用以及細胞成像、細菌鑑定、癌症和癌症檢測等。化學工程師團隊利用插入囊腫中的流行奈米顆粒建立了一種全新的藥物精確輸送系統,可能被非侵入性磁力場激活。


能量轉移方法將透過供體的失活以及透過兩種獨立的機制形成副電子激發態的受體來發生。一種是FRET,特別是透過空間機制發生:它需要供體的發射光譜與受體的一定程度的吸收相關聯,並且由激發態的供體分子與受體分子之間的半永久偶極子-偶極子相互作用獲得州內。另一種選擇是 DET,這是透過債券機制發生的。


Magnetic nanoparticles with superparamagnetic properties have attracted exaggerated attention for applications in biomedicine, as they exhibit a robust magnetization only if associate degree external magnetic flux is applied. Magnetoliposomes (MLs) are the mix of liposomes with encapsulated magnetic nanoparticles. These hybrid nanocarriers are showing vital medicine application prospects. However, it's essential that nanoparticles exhibit superparamagnetism, this causes nanoparticles to become at risk of sturdy magnetization. once the magnetic flux is applied, they orient toward this field, however don't retain permanent magnetization within the absence of magnetic flux.





SPIONs are tiny artificial artificial (maghemite), Fe3O4 (magnetite) or α-Fe2O3 (hermatite) particles with a core starting from ten nm to a hundred nm in diameter. additionally, mixed oxides of iron with transition metal ions like copper, cobalt, nickel, and Mn, ar glorious to exhibit superparamagnetic properties and additionally make up the class of SPIONs. However, magnetic iron-ore and magnetic nanoparticles are the foremost wide used SPIONs in numerous medicine applications.


The morphology of Fe2O3 nanoparticles has been glorious to be littered with many factors, as well as the reaction conditions and chemicals concerned. within the presence of surfactants with large organic compound chain structures, like oleylamine and adamantane paraffin, the steric hindrance exerted by surfactants has been shown to have an effect on the form of growing crystals of iron compound throughout synthesis.11 the form of magnetic nanoparticles has not been extensively studied as so much as its impact on biodistribution of SPIONs is concern.


SPIONs have associate degree organic or inorganic coating, on or among that a drug is loaded, and that they ar then guided by associate degree external magnet to their target tissue. These particles exhibit the development of “superparamagnetism”, ie, on application of associate degree external magnetic flux, they become magnetic up to their saturation magnetization, and on removal of the magnetic flux, they now not exhibit any residual magnetic interaction. This property is size-dependent and usually arises once the dimensions of nanoparticles is as low as 10–20 nm. At such alittle size, these nanoparticles don't exhibit multiple domains as found in massive magnets; on the opposite hand, they become one magnetic domain and act as a “single super spin” that exhibits high magnetic susceptibleness. Thus, on application of a magnetic flux, these nanoparticles offer a stronger and a lot of speedy magnetic response compared with bulk magnets with negligible remanence (residual magnetization) and coercivity.


這種奈米顆粒特有的超順磁性對於用作藥物傳輸載體是非常必要的,因為這些奈米顆粒實際上會在外加磁場的影響下將藥物分子拖到體內的目標位置。此外,一旦去除所施加的磁通量,磁性顆粒在一定溫度下就不再保留剩餘磁性,因此不太可能聚集(即,它們只是分散),從而避免被吞噬細胞吸收並增加它們在循環中的半衰期。此外,由於團聚傾向可以忽略不計,SPION 不會造成毛細血管閉塞或阻塞的危險。




基於超磁體鐵化合物奈米顆粒 (SPION) 的磁脂質體的磁特性透過磁控藥物傳遞和熱療產生不同的治療方法。在這種方法中,它們將被視為觸發響應載體,因為它們需要充當「遠端開關」的潛力,可以激活或關閉藥物的後果,支持興奮劑的存在或不存在。最近,一項試驗研究無可爭議地證明了透過磁通量進行良好受控輸送的實用性,其強度遠遠達不到文獻中有時報的水平。在這種方法中,透過磁奈米機械方法獲得了受控的解除控制,且溫度沒有大幅增加。具體來說,將非熱交變磁場(AMF)或非熱週期磁力場(PEMF)產生的訊號應用於高轉變溫度磁脂質體(高Tm ML),捕捉潮解的SPION,事實證明這是令人著迷且有希望的刺激-受控藥物輸送系統。


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