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初級保健和臨床皮膚科 2019:頭皮微色素沉著作為毛髮移植手術的替代方案 - Seepika Jaiswal - MD 皮膚科醫生


目標:介紹 雖然 SMP 確實合理地模擬毛囊,但它不會取代或重建頭髮。臨床髮際線紋身是經過仔細矯正的,但它會給受益人帶來新剃光頭的感覺,或者,由於瀰漫性稀疏,它將頭皮覆蓋在其餘頭髮的內部,消除了未覆蓋頭皮的外觀差異透過減少頭髮。毛囊單位提取(FUE)和頭皮微色素沉著這兩種相當新的方式改變了男性無毛的治療方法,減少了手術量和頭髮再生過程的直接成本。這兩種方法相互促進,同時補償患者毛髮減少和頂部減少。 FUE 手術的影響(反映了 2016 年實施的毛髮移植策略的 52.6%,高於 48.5%)以及使用 FUE 提供毛髮修飾進展的新專家數量的不斷增加,導致這一領域每年增長 20%多年來的行業。本文回顧了 FUE 和頭皮微色素混合使用時的用法。

頭皮微色素沉著(SMP)是一種非常現代的臨床紋身工藝,用於治療禿頭或頭髮減少。 SMP 看起來非常簡單,但這種新穎的方法必須為每位患者重新設計,因為每位患​​者的皮膚與頭皮在抓住紋身顏色時的反應形成鮮明對比。執行 SMP 涉及許多因素,這使得該過程更像是一種藝術表現而不是一門科學。 SMP 是一項工作非常集中的程序,可能需要多次會議和長達 20 小時的程序時間才能滿足患者的需求。本次調查討論了 SMP 程序的應用和專門思考。

材料與方法:SMP requires needles and clinical evaluation shade. Albeit comparable, miniaturized scale pigmentation is performed marginally uniquely in contrast to a standard body tattoo. For instance, the width of the needle used to apply color is a lot littler to all the more intently copy the presence of hair. The shade utilized is likewise unique in relation to colors utilized in standard tattoos as they are redone to coordinate the beneficiary's hair. The hair business mirrors a tremendous industry in items and services. The nearness of diminishing and hereditary thinning up top is available in half of men under 50, and half of postmenopausal ladies. This has been a corrective issue that impacts pretty much every family sooner or later in time. He corrective treatment of male pattern baldness falls into 3 significant classifications: (1) gels, mousse, and other comparable items that thicken the hair by adding dampness to the hair shaft causing the hair shaft to expand, hair connections and hair frameworks that add hair mass to the diminishing/going bald zone with creature or manufactured or human hair make up the biggest part of this class; (2) the utilization of concealers that are fueled sort materials that are applied to the hair and scalp and are utilized to lessen the difference among hair and skin shading in the going bald or diminishing regions; and (3) different careful and nonsurgical medicines, for the most part offered by doctors, for example, follicular unit extraction (FUE) transplantation (1 of 2 strategies utilized in hair transplantation today) and scalp micropigmentation (SMP), which together mirror a nearly $3 billion industry.2–5 With the approach of FUE, an apparent negligibly intrusive hair transplant medical procedure, this methodology has delivered a more prominent mindfulness and interest for hair transplant benefits by an ever increasing number of men. Present day hair transplantation centers after moving the anatomical unit of hair, the follicular unit, from places in the scalp where it is moderately changeless (a 3-in. high region of hair in the back and side of the head) and isn't affected by hereditary hair loss6 to the territories affected by hereditary thinning up top. The benefactor region hair must be solid for this procedure to work, which is the situation for most men with hereditary male pattern baldness however not for most ladies who have a diffuse male pattern baldness that reaches out into this contributor territory. Otar Norwood detailed that men with hereditary alopecia lose their hair in designs and these examples are answerable for 98+% of hereditary male pattern baldness in men. In ladies, then again, the Ludwig Patterns of female male pattern baldness speak to just about 20% of hereditary male pattern baldness in females (my guess from the a large number of ladies I have analyzed and rewarded in the course of recent years). In most men, the "giver territory" is saved by the hereditary hair diminishing/thinning up top procedure. Tragically for ladies, 80% of hereditary male pattern baldness shows scaling down of the hairs in back and sides of the head making it not exactly palatable for a hair transplant strategy. We see diffuse unpatterned alopecia in a large number of these ladies. At the point when the benefactor territory is scaled down, this zone is a poor hotspot for hair whenever utilized in the transplantation procedure. DUPA has been found in certain men and when it shows up in men, this condition is commonly a contraindication for any careful hair transplant procedure.7–14

結果:不小心的 SMP 會逐漸填充和表徵您當前的髮際線,並使用獨特選擇的顏色混合,特別是複製您頭髮的常見發展設計,就像您頭髮的不同顏色一樣。

結論: SMP 通常在 2 次不連續的會議中完成。會議的分開有助於在一段時間內逐漸為受益者的存在帶來樸實無華的改變。雖然仔細的植髮所需的修復時間並非不合理,但臨床髮際線紋身所需的個人時間根本為零。

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