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The 4f-4f transition Spectral Studies of Pr(III) with Hexafluoroacetylacetone and their Complexes

Kiran G. Chaudhari

Studies on the difference in energy interaction parameters and comparative absorption spectroscopy, involving 4ƒ- 4ƒ transition spectra of praseodymium with hexafluoroacetylacetone [C5H2O2F6], and their complexes with aniline [C6H7N], chloroaniline [C6H6NCl] and bromoaniline [C6H6NBr]. The absorption spectrum were recorded in different solvents like methanol (CH3OH), acetonitrile (CH3CN) and dimethylformamide [(CH3)2NCOH]. The change in coordination sphere in various solvent medium is observed. The 4ƒ-4ƒ transition spectra yield sharp bands, which were analyzed individually by Gaussian curve analysis, the energy interaction parameters (FK,EK), Lande spin orbit coupling (ξ4f), nephelauxetic ratio (β), bonding parameter (b1/2), percent covalency (δ), oscillator strength (P) were calculated and Judd Oflet intensity parameters of the 4f-4f transitions have been evaluated in order to investigate the formation and the type of bonding in lanthanide ligand complexes in methanol, acetonitrile and dimethylformamide. The energy interaction and Salter Condon parameters were computed on computer using partial multiple regression analysis method