研究文章€ 1399
病例报告€ 999
传染病与治疗杂志 provides an opportunity for researchers and scientists to explore and publish the basic, advanced, and latest research developments in the field of Infectious Diseases and Treatment. Research developments in the academic and hospital or clinical setting are given equal priority. Additionally, the journal publishes policies, regulations, recommendations, mass vaccination action reports, population studies of a given country, or continent related to the prevention and treatment of infectious diseases. Journal of Infectious Diseases & treatment invites articles in all areas related to Infectious Diseases, Influenza, Respiratory Tract Infections, Herpes Virus, Human Papilloma Virus, Chickenpox, Conjunctivitis, Yeast infection, Lymphocytic Meningitis, Viral encephalitis, Communicable disease, Smallpox, Anthrax, Colon Infection, Viral Infections and many more. Welcome to the Journal Portal! This is a resource for physicians, clinicians, and academic scientists to publish the latest findings in the area of Infectious Diseases & treatment through scientific abstracts.
传染病与治疗杂志 is participating in the Fast Editorial Execution and Review Process (FEE-Review Process) with an additional prepayment of $99 apart from the regular article processing fee. 快速编辑执行和审稿流程是针对文章的一项特殊服务,使其能够在预审阶段获得处理编辑更快的响应以及审稿人的审稿。作者投稿后最多3天内得到预审回复,最多5天内得到审稿人的审稿,2天内修改/发表。如果文章收到处理编辑的修改通知,那么前一个审稿人或替代审稿人还需要 5 天的时间进行外部审稿。
稿件的接受完全是通过处理编辑团队的考虑和独立的同行评审来驱动的,无论通过定期同行评审的出版物还是快速的编辑评审过程,都确保维持最高标准。处理编辑和文章撰稿人有责任遵守科学标准。即使文章被拒绝或撤回发表,99 美元的文章审查费用也不会退还。
通讯作者或机构/组织负责支付稿件审稿费。额外的审稿流程费用包括快速审稿处理和快速编辑决策,定期文章出版包括各种格式的在线出版准备,确保全文包含在许多永久档案中,例如 HTML、XML 和 PDF,并提供给不同的索引机构。
Hailegebriel Wondimu1*、Mestawut Mihret1、Zelalem Addis2、Feleke Moges3